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t r i b u n e . o n l i n e
the students' voice

mr. tan hock heng
Where you can find him: @ the control room for the CLC

    Mr Tan takes care of the school's web and file servers. He is also in charge of the Cyber Learning Centre (CLC) and the Magic Lab, which is "the one with the Macs".

    "I've been working here for 6 years. it's been intersting and enriching. The school'sa nice environment to work in. The students are bright. The teachers are caring and you can see them working as a team."

    Mr Tan says that the school's ever-changing IT environment motivates him to learn new things or he wouldn't be able to do his job. His most memorable experience was when he had his first baby and "the teachers showed their care and concern with lots of unexpected gifts."

ms. veronica de silva
Where you can find her: @ the front desk of the Admin Office

    She has been working here for 7 years and is the first person you see when you enter the General Office. Ms Veronica says with a smile that "anyone at all who comes in here has to go through me. Anytime someone wants to look for me, they only need to pop their heads in here and I'll be here. I also have to be ever prepared and ever ready so that whenever help is needed, I'll be there. I love interacting with students and I love children so it does help motivate me."

    Indeed, her good relationshop with the staff and student population of the school is reflected by the many memories that ex-RGS girls have of her. "This job also offers heart-warming moments when girls return after more than 4 years yet still remember me. I sometimes feel touched when these girls call. Afterall, I saw them grow and leave school before coming back as relief teachers."

    Her most memorable experience was Sports' Day 1999. "It's sooo exciting because I've never been to an event like that. It was the first time I was given a chance to see you all running. It's very memorable since I've never seen the BiG races before." By this, she meant that she had only seen the "small races" or the heats before. She also had a chance to see the March Past Parade and found it all "very, very exciitng."

ms. missliah
Where you can find her: @ the library counter

    Ms Missliah mans the counter at the library, helping us to loan and return our books. She also does the yearly stock-taking of books and handles the processing of new books.

    "I've been here for seven years in total, but I was posted to the library two years ago. I love reading and interacting with the girls. A lot of information can be found in the library from books, brochures and magazines. It's also about exploring other worlds, especially the magazines like Newsweek."

    Her most memorable experience was when delegates from Indonesia and students and teachers from Malyasia visited the school. They were here for a science project and toured the entire shcool. Ms Missliah acted as their interpreter until the end of their visit in RGS. She has this to say to students: "Be as quiet as possible when you are using the library because other users need to concentrate on their studies and reading."

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