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School and Adjustments by Jeanine Chiu

Yeah. School's started. Definitely.
How can I be so sure? Well, for one, I am writing this.
Same school, same old rules, yet everything is so different.
What is the difference? Well, let me tell you...

For one, it feels really weird to no longer be the youngest of the school.
Actually, I do not feel any different, and often still refer to myself as a Sec 1. I still tend to write '1/14' as my class, especially if I am not thinking. The year, too. '2001' still randomly visits my worksheets.

New year, new class, new people, new teachers and for some even new school uniforms. It does seem as if I have just started Sec 1 all over again. The only visible difference is the colour of the nametag.

It does take some adjusting to. Yes, I did know some of my classmates before this year, but only as vague acquaintances or only because she is a friend of a friend. I recognised some of my teachers, but only by face. Subjects are the same, but their content is very different. And with the disappearance of the modular system, I have to get used to having history and geography at the same time.

It takes time. But not that long. Now, into the second week of school, I am already getting used to my new teachers, getting to know my new friends, and also writing the correct year, class and register number.

Those, though, are only the small things.

The hardest part about starting school is getting back into the rhythm of school life-the floating system, staying back after school, CCA, homework etc. After that blissfully happy 2-month-long holiday of ALMOST no homework, no CCA (for me at least), no projects, no waking up early and no staying-up-late-to-finish-up-homework, it suddenly dawns on you-school is starting again.

Not that it is entirely a bad thing. For one, you get to see your friends again, and for those who just sit around and do nothing during the holidays, having something to do may actually appeal to you. And once you get used to it, the homework, the floating system and the waking up early just seems like a routine, albeit a boring one.

Then, you start looking forward to the next long holiday.

The cycle goes on-wait for holidays, holidays arrive, holidays end, wait for holidays…

Jeanine Chiu
Sec 1/14 2/12