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t r i b u n e . o n l i n e
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Another quality publication                                                  Email:    08/2001
Hey Everyone!

      The theme for this issue is "la vie a l'ecole". In plain, simple English, that's 'life in school'. As we leave the third term of the year, Tribune offers you a wide spectrum of light-hearted articles that will take you away from the world of homework, common tests and assingments.

      In this issue, we play fortune teller and look into our crystal ball to see what the rest of 2001 has in store for the school. Turn to page 4 and read our reporters' investigations into the myths and facts of our favourite word - "dieting", and learn what you're actually doing to your body as you skip each recess.

      On page 5, our Secondary Ones take a shot at depicting the growth of a typical RGS girl as she progresses through 4 years of school life here...With so much going on in this issue of Tribune, we bet you will read it from cover to cover!

Your editors
Cuifen and Jolyn


All ye aspiring writers! Tribune is organising a poetry contest in conjuction with Teachers' Day. The topic is "Teachers in My Life". No word limit, and attractive prizes to be won! Winning entries will be published in the next issue of Tribune. Entries to be placed in the 311 class tray by 27 August, 2 pm.




Evolution of
an RGS girl....................5


Is the Grass Greener?.......8

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Contributors to this Issue

> > Izzati. Jane Li. Cuifen. Weisi. Sylvia. Jane Chua. Jolyn. Zhiyi. Janice.

Other members of Tribune

> > Harti. Amira. Mansi. Swati. Nadia. Siti. Vandana. Sarah. Gaiatri. Jeanine. Chere.

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